SMTL are UKAS accredited for testing extractable protein from medical devices.

The method used for extracting the protein from gloves can be modified so that other latex medical devices may be analysed, e.g. baby bottle teats.

Relevant Standard

BS EN 455-part 3 annex A (from the European Standard for medical gloves).

For Information on glove testing to other parts of EN 455

The modified Lowry assay is used to measure the amount of total extractable protein in the glove. The information is used to give an indication of the levels of latex proteins which are known allergens. For further information on the role of protein in medical gloves, please see the FAQ on the glove page.


If you wish to commission testing, then contact the SMTL:

Surgical Materials Testing Laboratory, Princess of Wales Hospital, Coity Road, Bridgend, UK, CF31 1RQ.

Tel: +44 (0) 1656 752820

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