Recently NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership (NWSSP), which included SMTL, received an external inspector for a several days during a full re-assessment audit, designed to assess compliance with the ISO 14001:2015 Standard. The ISO 14001 standard places greater emphasis on protection of the environment and is the international standard for environmental management systems, which generally consists of the policies, processes, plans, practices and records that define the rules governing how our organisation interacts with the environment.

SMTL's Quality Assurance department have liaised very closely with NWSSP Corporate colleagues, in order to gather evidence and improve practice in accordance with our previous ISO 14001 accreditation. We have recently been informed that the inspection was successful, and therefore we shall retain accreditation with only 2 improvements being noted for the whole of NWSSP, which is an excellent outcome. SMTL is committed to managing our environmental impact, reducing our carbon footprint and integrating the sustainable development principle into daily working life where possible. 

Our ISO 14001:2015 certificate can be viewed here.

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