SMTL had reported previously that high MVTR dressings, when tested using the ’fluid in contact’ method in EN 13726-1, Monograph 3.3 (Fluid handling capacity) and EN 13726-2 Mongraph 3.3 (MVTR of a wound dressing when in contact with liquid), caused doming of the dressing into the test chamber. It was suspected that this doming artificially increased the reported MVTR and FHC due to stretching of the dressing.

SMTL proposed that the inclusion of a small vent holes in the Paddington cups seemed sensible, as it may prevent the doming observed with high MVTR dressings.  SMTL and the SDMA  agreed that work should be undertaken to investigate this. A series of experiments were discussed and agreed between SMTL and SDMA members over the Winter 2012/Spring 2013, and a test programme
was run in 2013.

The report "MVTR Interlab Testing - SMTL/SDMA - 2013 - PID/4319" (PDF) reports the outcome of this work programme.

The work has now been accepted by CEN WG15 PGQ1 and a revision of EN 13726 is underway.

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