Recent publications:
- J’agis! - a response to a letter criticisizing the pace of the non-Luer connector development project. Gelb, Adrian W. MBChB; Mainland, Phoebe MBBS; Phillips, Peter MRPharmS; Sharpe, Paul MBChB; Kinsella, Stephen Michael MBBS; Bailly, Anne-Laure MD, PhD; Jaffe, Rory MD. Anesthesia & Analgesia: September 2016 - Volume 123 - Issue 3 - p 798–799
- Peri-operative warming devices: performance and clinical application. Anaesthesia. 2014 Jun;69(6):623-38. Epub 2014 Apr 10. John M, Ford J, Harper M.
- The effect of temperature and humidity on the permeability of film dressings. S. Thomas, L. Barry, P. Fram, P.J. Phillips. Journal of Wound Care Oct 2011, 20 (10):484-489.
- Latex Medical Gloves: Time for a Reappraisal. Palosuo T, Antoniadou I, Gottrup F, Phillips P. Int Arch Allergy Immunol. 2011 Jun 29;156(3):234-246. (Full text PDF available)
- An evaluation of sharp safety hypodermic needle devices. Ford and Phillips, Nursing Standard 25 (35) 39-44, 2011.
- An evaluation of sharp safety blood evacuation devices. Ford and Phillips, Nursing Standard 25 (43) 41-47, 2011.
- An evaluation of sharp safety intravenous cannula devices. Ford and Phillips, Nursing Standard 26 (15-17):42-49, 2011.
- Surveillance and medical devices. Tomkinson A, Harrison W, Temple M, Phillips P.·BMJ. 2010 Dec 7;341:c6999.
- A laboratory investigation and validation of methods for sampling contaminated uniforms and work-wear. Lusardi, Lipp, Phillips, Hay & Ashman. Journal of Infection Prevention, March 7, 2011
Previous papers:
- A laboratory and clinical evaluation of single-use instruments for tonsil and adenoid surgery.
- Tomkinson A, Phillips P, Scott JB, Harrison W, De Martin S, Backhouse SS, Temple M.·Clin Otolaryngol. 2005 Apr;30(2):135-42.
- Are aloe-coated gloves effective in healthcare? Ford JL, Phillips P.·Nurs Times. 2007 Mar 6-12;103(10):40-1.
- The importance of compression on dressing performance, Thomas S, Fram P, Phillips P. World Wide Wounds. 2007 Nov. (
- How to evaluate sharp safety-engineered devices. Ford JL, Phillips P. Nurs Times. 2008 Sep 9-15;104(36):42-5.
- An engineered solution to the maladministration of spinal injections. Lawton R, Gardner P, Green B, Davey C, Chamberlain P, Phillips P, Hughes G. Qual Saf Health Care. 2009 Dec;18(6):492-5.
Related Publications
This section covers papers where SMTL have been involved in the production but are not named authors.
- An evaluation of the efficacy of safer sharps devices. Systematic review. Prepared by the Health and Safety Laboratory for the Health and Safety Executive 2012. (P. Phillips was a member of the literature assessment group).