Technical Reports has, until recently, solely been the home of SMTL's Dressings Datacards, a set of publications which have been produced and edited by Dr Steve Thomas since the early 1990's.

SMTL have now launched a section within, which contains scientific communications based upon data generated by the SMTL as part of its commercial testing activities.

Information is published in this section at the specific request of the commissioning organisation, and can take one of two forms:

  • a copy of the original technical report (as a PDF file) which contains a brief description of the test methods used together with the test results suitably anonomised to protect the identity of competitors' products where these have been used as comparators.

  • the same test data as above, together with some narrative that might discuss the clinical relevance of the results or provide some form of discussion or conclusions, produced by an expert in the subject area.

Please contact SMTL for pricing.

SMTL will not knowingly publish incorrect or misleading data involving the use of inappropriate comparators which show the test material in an artificially good light. The SMTL also reserves the right to refuse to publish data that is known to be unrepresentative of the performance of a particular product.

For further information contact SMTL.

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Title Modified Date 06 March 2017
How to get your test report onto the Medidex Web Site 14 September 2012
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