Defect Investigation for the Welsh NHS

SMTL is funded by the Welsh Assembly Government (WAG) to provide testing and technical services on medical devices (mainly disposable devices) for the NHS in Wales. As part of this service, SMTL acts as the reporting centre for the Welsh NHS, as recognised in the latest Welsh NHS notice MDA/2004/054 (Wales) [PDF download].

Which  devices do SMTL investigate?

A list of the types of devices which SMTL usually investigates is available here.

In general we don't investigate electro-medical devices, but we will usually investigate consumables used with electro-medical devices. For electro-medical devices we recommend you contact your EBME or medical physics department.

Reporting forms and general advice

How do I send the device to SMTL ?

SMTL have produced a document Postage of contaminated medical devices which evaluates the various options open to Welsh NHS staff when they have a defective device they wish to send to SMTL.

Contact Details

The Defects Section
Surgical Materials Testing Laboratory (SMTL)
Princess of Wales Hospital
Coity Road
Bridgend CF31 1RQ
Tel: 01656 752820
Fax: 01656 752830

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