The COVID pandemic has meant that UKAS have not been able to perform assessments in their traditional form, and for the last 2 years assessments have been conducted virtually with technical activities witnessed by ‘live stream’.

In a return to 'business as usual' SMTL had the pleasure of hosting assessors within the laboratory again for our 2022 annual inspection.  The aim of the assessment is to determine whether SMTL have the necessary technical competence and that our Quality Management System conforms with the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025:2017 General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories.

The audit was a surveillance visit performed by 3 assessors, 2 of which were new to SMTL.  It's always a step into the unknown when new auditors arrive, but all assessors were very complimentary on the competency and knowledge of our staff, with only 1 minor improvement finding identified during the audit.

SMTL's latest UKAS accreditation schedule is available to download from the UKAS website (PDF download), and our UKAS certificate of accreditation (web link) is now also available electronically.

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