Odour Control Wound Dressings

Deodourising wound dressings have been used for many years, however despite their widespread use, there is little objective data on their odour handling characteristics. The European standard EN 13726-6:2003 details a test method designed to assess the resistance of primary wound dressings to penetration by odours, however there are limitations with this method as few laboratories have the necessary apparatus to perform the testing. In addition, wound dressings are assessed in their dry state, which does not simulate clinical use, and therefore raises questions on its adequacy for providing a realistic clinical evaluation.

In 1998 Thomas et al. (J Wound Care  7;5) published an in vitro test method where both odour-adsorption and fluid-handling capacity are assessed together, and thus more realistically simulates the conditions of normal clinical usage.  Over recent years the SMTL have developed this test to produce a validated method that determines the ability of wound dressings to absorb exudate and control odour in the wet state.


Please contact our Physical Testing Department info@smtl.co.uk if you require any further information or wish to discuss undertaking an odour control testing project.

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