ISO 14001 Accreditation
NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership (NWSSP) is committed to managing its environmental impact, reducing its carbon footprint and integrating the sustainable development principle into their day to day business. Annual surveillance audits are undertaken to assess continued compliance with the ISO 14001:2015 Standard.
The ISO 14001:2015 Standard places greater emphasis on protection of the environment and is the international standard for environmental management systems (EMS). An EMS consists of the policies, processes, plans, practices and records that define the rules governing how our organisation interacts with the environment. ISO 14001 also helps organisations of all sizes across all sectors make their day to day operations more sustainable. Sustainability can ultimately save money, improve brand reputation, engage employees and build resilience against uncertainty as well as the ability to rapidly adapt to change.
In recent years SMTL's Quality Assurance department have liaised very closely with NWSSP Corporate colleagues, in order to gather evidence and improve practice with the ultimate aim of achieving accreditation to ISO 14001. Thanks to the hard work and knowledge of our colleagues in NWSSP, following the last external annual inspection the scope of the NWSSP ISO 14001:2015 certification for its key sites across Wales was expanded to include SMTL.