BS 661210:2018 +A1 2022 Graduated compression hosiery, anti-embolism hosiery and graduated support hosiery.
BS 661210 has been re-issued with an addendum that addresses the performance requirements of compression garments following washing.
Following the publication of BS 661210 in 2018, SMTL identified an anomaly in the post-washing compression requirements. When tested following washing, some anti-embolism compression garments could fail post-washed pressure requirements (Section 3.10), but the resulting pressures would be in compliance with pre-washing requirements (Section 3.9 Table 2). The pre-washing pressure requirements are based on the Sigel compression profile which is widely recognised as being the optimum profile for venous return, and therefore clinically beneficial and acceptable for patients. This was an unnecessary restriction on manufacturers and has no clinical benefit for users and patients.
The newly published BS 661210:2018 +A1 2022 resolves the anomaly where the compression profile requirements are the same regardless of testing pre or post-washing. This change is also applicable for the other types of hosiery in BS 661210 namely graduated compression and graduated support hosiery.