NWSSP and SMTL have been developing the use of Android tablets, specifically the Tesco HUDL, in association with Dr Ben Sharif, a trainee doctor in South Wales, as data collection devices for clinicians to use when undertaking product assessments, either as parts of formal Human Factors Usability testing or in their clinical practice. In particular, we have been using the Open Data Kit (a free and open-source set of tools which help organizations author, field, and manage mobile data collection solutions).

NWSSP Procurement Services (ProcS) utilised this system in the recent All Wales Wound Management tender process, providing Tissue Viability Nurses with devices to record their user evaluation results when using a range of different dressings. The system also allowed ProcS to monitor progress and coordinate the evaluations across Wales. The use of the digital forms also eliminated data entry errors, through the use of pre loaded information and, saved many weeks of data entry time when compared to entering data from paper forms.

Over 3000 completed forms were returned via the HUDL devices during the project, making the project one of the most robust in terms of data to support procurement choices and ensure the highest quality of dressings being purchased for patients in Wales.

SMTL & ProcS have subsequently also utilised the same system as part of the data collection element for a usability study on Airway Bougies as part of a Difficult Airway Society (DAS) grant funded study. The study, which involved bougies from around half a dozen manufacturers and 30 anaesthetists, made use of the HUDLs by collecting both the Clinicians and the Observer’s data during the study. This greatly improved the quality and timeliness of the data collection.


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