Safer Sharps papers published
Dr Joanna Ford and Pete Phillips have now had all three safer sharps evaluation papers published in the Nursing Standard:
- An evaluation of sharp safety hypodermic needle devices.·Ford and Phillips,·Nursing Standard 25 (35) 39-44,·2011.
- An evaluation of sharp safety blood evacuation devices.·Ford and Phillips,·Nursing Standard 25 (43) 41-47,·2011.
- An evaluation of sharp safety intravenous cannula devices. Ford and Phillips, Nursing Standard 26 (15-17):42-49, 2011.
The papers cover the user evaluations of a range of medical devices designed to prevent needle-stick injury by Welsh NHS staff.
Also of interest is the H&SL systematic review into the literature for sharps injury prevention devices (see An evaluation of the efficacy·of safer sharps devices. ·Systematic review.·Prepared by the Health and Safety Laboratory·for the Health and Safety Executive 2012.)