Vikki Baines, one of SMTL's laboratory officers, has reached the final shortlist of three in a competition run by ABMU Health Board to help spread a positive message at Morriston Hospital’s new Occupational Health Department.

Vikki Baines, one of SMTL's laboratory officers, has reached the final shortlist of three in a competition run by ABMU Health Board to help spread a positive message at Morriston Hospital’s new Occupational Health Department.

Successful entries in the competition will go on permanent display in the department, and are intended to reflect a theme demonstrating the essence of wellbeing.

Vikki's photograph, which  can be seen below,  reached the final three (from 37 entries). There is a Chairman's Awards evening on the 19th November where  the winning image will be announced.

Perfect Balance - Victoria Baines.jpg

European Medical Glove Standard EN 455-3 updated

En 455-3 has been published. This is the first revision in 9 years, and replaces EN 455-3:2006.

The main change is related to the fact that the principle of reduction of risk to “as low as practically possible,” (ALARP)  is in conflict with the Medical Device Directive which does not allow economic considerations. Therefore the protein and chemical requirements have been re-written to refelect this.

Annex ZA has been rewritten, and reduces the number of Essential Requirements with which compliance can be presumed.  

Monograph 4.5 (leachable proteins) now requires that "The manufacturer shall strive to minimize the leachable protein level." (replacing the previous requirement of 'The leachable protein level shall be "As Low As Reasonably Practicable" (ALARP).')

SMTL are UKAS accredited to test against the requirements of monographs 4.3 (endotoxins), 4.4 (powder), 4.5 (leachable proteins) of the new standard.



The draft specification for the next All Wales Dressings contract has now been published by NWSSP Procurement. This includes the tests which SMTL will be undertaking on dressings during the Autumn and Winter of 2015. 


SMTL, in a joint bid with NWSSP Procurement Services and Lymphoedema Network Wales,  are delighted to have won the "GO Procurement Innovation or Initiative of the Year Award" as part of the Government Opportunities (GO) Excellence in Public Procurement Awards.

GO Award Trophy Image

The project covered the procurement of lymphoedema compression garments for the Welsh NHS, and demonstrated joint working between Welsh Government, clinicians, the Lymphodema Newtwork Wales group under Melanie Thomas, Procurement Services, and SMTL, providing a range of products which met the clinical and technical requirements of the Welsh NHS, whilst also reducing variation, delivering cost savings, and complying with the Prudent Healthcare agenda of Welsh Government.

Our colleagues in Procurement were present on the night to receive the award.

GOAwardsWinners GO-Innovation Health2015-0077


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